Dr. Steven C. Lewis, Dr. Anthony Letizio join Laurel Square
Dr. Steven C. Lewis, DO, CMD was named Medical Director at Laurel Square Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center in July 2020. He is a Certified Medical Director who specializes in Family Medicine and Geriatrics. Dr. Lewis has been practicing medicine in the Philadelphia area as an Attending Physician for over 22 years.
Dr. Anthony Letizio, DO specializes in Internal Medicine with a special focus on Geriatrics. He has been an Attending Physician for more than 13 years and loves caring for the elderly.
Drs. Lewis and Letizio are part of a multi specialty group practice which has been providing Geriatric Medicine, Internal Medicine and Family Medicine care for over 50 years. They cover their patients with comprehensive medical care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their group is on staff at all of the local hospitals including Einstein Medical Center, Chestnut Hill Hospital, Temple University Hospital & The University Of Pennsylvania – Presbyterian Medical Center. This allows for a continuity of care which is critical in our complex medical world.